Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 1

Yay, this all works. Hopefully you can see this Mrs. Ring. This seems like a fun project.


  1. Okay - establish your goal, reflect on how it felt to actually stand up and speak it out loud to your class.

    Also, write about what you think you might learn from this experience (be honest, you won't hurt or damage my feelings, I promise)

  2. My goal is to improve myselft as a person. It felt good standing up and speaking it out to the class, and I feel that by saying that goal, I have a big weight lifted off of my chest. I think this will be a good experience, and I might learn some things from it that I wasn't expecting. Those could be, people who don't like me, stuff I can't do, stuff I can do, and many others that I am having troulbe thinking of as of right now. I will post again to add further.
