Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 9
Today, I finished up my story, and it is quite interesting. I will bring it into school tommarow to show you Mrs. Ring. I incorperated all the words from this week and last week, because those are the ones I am having trouble with remembering. After writing the story, I can remember the words better, and feel better about the test tommarow. In writing though, I didn't put hints next to the words like you did on that one test. I am hoping to look over the story later tonight and hopefully I can give the definitions of the words as I'm reading it. I did try to use those words in conversation, but I kept confusing my family. They didn't listen (mainly my brother) when I tried to explain what they ment, so I gave up on that idea. I feel alot better about the quiz tommarow, and I will definitaly get a good breakfast, because I am going to the VPAM breakfast.
Day 8
Yesterday, my goal was to test out the ways that the internet said I should study, and hope for an improvement. However, I didn't get to do to much because of parent teacher confrences, and an odyssey of the minds meeting right after parent teacher confrences. I did however get started on my story using the vocab words, and already feel that it is helping me to remember them. It is only a few sentences long, and my goal for tommarow is to finish up the story, and hopefully remember all the words.
Day 7
2 Days ago, my goal was to figure out ways to study vocab, that would be easy for my learning style. I found that writing out the definitions, and making up stories using the words should help me best (according to the iternet). I didn't get to try it, because I looked at it late at nite right before I had to go to bed. I feel that I can do better now, and hopefully improve my grade in English class. I feel that once we get into having more homework, and doing more work, that my grade will definitaly improve, because vocab is our main grade now, and I'm not doing to well in that. But now that I've looked at ways to help me study, I hope that I can do better on the vocab tests, and not rely to much on doing the homework and class work.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 6
Today wasn't really a good day to do much, but I did manage to improve my social interactions with people. I talked to people more, and tried to talk to some new people. Improving myself, means improving my social skills, and since I couldn't do much today, I did this one. I felt better afterwards, because I have expanded my list of friends. I didn't do it as much, I only got like 1 new friend, but its a start. I feel that I can go to these friends with problems if my older friends that I trust better don't have solutions. Also, Lindsey keeps pressuring me to make new friends, and expand my world, so I did.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 5
This was supposed to be posted on friday, but because of the homecoming football game, and dance, I wasn't able to get around to it till tonight. As you may recall, my goal was to take the VARK test. Well I did take it and it said I have a multimodal learning style. I guess that that means that I can learn pretty much anyway, or that I use all/most of them to learn new things. I do know that I picked more than one answer for most of the questions, so I feel that I should be doing all of those things to help me become a better person in my studies. I found the ones where you were doing something to be most of my first choices, and I like to learn by doing things. I think that it is easier, because if you keep doing it, it just kinda becomes like a second reaction. I hope this will improve my studies.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 4
Today, my original goal was to take the VARK to test to help me imporve how I study. Instead, I got caught up with friends, that my goal changed. Today, I took a goal from the second week, and used it. That goal was to better myself physically by riding bikes. I felt better afterwards, and I now know that I need to excersize more, because I was a little bit short on breath. I did howeve complete another goal from the last week, and that was to hang out with my friends more often. Since school started, I've been mostly talking to people at school, and not with my original friends. My best friends, that I've known for a long time, will always be there when I need them. Yes, new friends are good, but I learned to hang on to old friends, because they are even better.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 3
Today, my challenge to better improve myself was to do my homework as soon as I got home from school. I found this task to be extreamly easy, considering the fact that I did not have to much homework tonight. I feel that even though I do not have alot of homework this trimester, that if I can get into the habbit of doing homework when I get home from school, I will be able to succeed later in the school year. I have also decided to keep on with the studies of my vocabulary words, for 15 minuets every nite. I am also trying to remember to take the VARK test, which is tommarows goal. I do feel that even though it has only been 2 days, I am already improving as a student, and as a person.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 2
Today, my goal was to study my vocab words for 15 min. I would give myself a C because I did study them, but I didn't study them for the time I would've liked. I tried to do this because, in my goal of become a better person, I have included that I want to be able to do better with my schoolwork at home. Even though I didn't get my full planned 15 minuets in, I still got in some studying which is why I gave myself a C.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 1
Yay, this all works. Hopefully you can see this Mrs. Ring. This seems like a fun project.
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